Sunday, August 31, 2008


i hate bootlickers!!!!!!!!!u r realli irritating.tsk butt u oso wan to lick.soo dense la .hias...let;s see hw mani teachers butt u wan to lick.hias....unbearable.tsk ....u r too much...cnt stand u too.scold ppl out of nthing.realli too much...

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

somemore to add on...tues...

ya.durin p.e todae,we were dicussing dat we cnt afford to provoke dat nagasaki bomb.cux up above us is der hiroshima bomb.der bck up in better play nt provoke nahar was veri veri funni wen he is playing badminton lorx...hhaahaha...1000 laughs...

fruit of the dae:cherry

basically todae...nthing realli happen ...hhaah...i went 4 normal lessons,xt teach me amaths after skool...hlp in klass was soo much to be done.i am utterly dissapointed wif my results r jux a piece of shit.i cnt take it dat dae dat i jux spill out.i let out everything.i felt terrible with these results :(i will nt giv up...but i nd a few daes to hp myself stand up again...i noe i cn do it.mux be strong!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

fruiit of the dae:champagne grapes...

went to cc todae.ok la.afterall it is nt so bad.we played quite alot of past songs...haah...noe hw champagne grapes look like?i'll show u nao!!!haha...

Friday, August 22, 2008

SPECIALLY posted for gpsz


to meet GRACE POH on sundae WIF HER INSTRUMENT...muahahah

Thursday, August 21, 2008

hurray!!!!!!!!exams r finalli over

its was realli wonderful!!!!!!!!we r finally free of tst for the present moment.:)
wow!GRACE's instrument was indeed soo portable.soo light as compared to helped her took der instrument home.haha(i cn try out hw gd it is)muakakakas...someone irritated me todae...haha...soo wad if u r smart?is thr a nd for u to be soo proud?does it kill u jux to be more 谦虚?soo dense.mux learn to be more mindful of ur words.or else nxt time go out society confirm kana hit by others de.ur backup would nt oways be wif u de.c'mon !!!!!!!!!

hurray!!!!!!!!exams r finalli over

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

chem test

realli infuriating!!!!!!!!!!soo damn difficult.this tst is bound to wipe all of us out..hias...dun noe wat to say...tmr is a geog n amaths tst.i hope the teachers would be kind to us-set an easier to study nao...jia you~

Thursday, August 14, 2008

opening of beijing olympics

wow...realli veri veri long time nvr update le.jux wan to say dat durin der performance on 8 august,it was long but overall it is quite nice.i learnt a few things frm my seniors:1)to be a good leader,i have to be calm at all times
2)to have faith in my conductor
3)to do ur best in everything

Monday, August 4, 2008


wowwowowowowowow...its realli a gd chance for me to experience hw tired it is to be a vc...realli tiring...nd to find teacher,close door...realli soo much seh...nt easy...haha...find u more n more der new haircut...soo bueh...~.~
disgusting seh...stop disturbing la...idiot...shity u...
1st august...
fruit of the dae:pear...soo sweety...
WoW!!indeed tiring todae...7 of us went to hlp out in pinoor jc.ying xuan,gerald,minghao,jasmine,meixian,elena n me:)wow...its such a long time practicing but the results of their dun realli seems satisfactoring.haha.alot of the songs only 7 of us play n including the other two teachers-erhu teacher n wei jie(wind section teacher).hias...soo patheticokay la

Saturday, August 2, 2008

27th,29th posts

27th july 08
fruit of the dae-kiwi
yucks!kiwi would be a fruit dat i would nvr eat in my life.soo seedy...Omg!!soo sour....hmm...sour...shudn't lfe be oways sweet?No actualli is full of ups n dwns...Hw cn a life oways be soo sweet?Wad matters most is,wen thr is pro. u hav to face,someone is oways thr 4 u:)
i am soo angry,at the same time,heartbroken of my liuqin(instrument),met wif a problem.1 of the stick drop out...blehs...realli angry of the lousy material...okok...gotta sent for repair...relac relac

29th july08
Fruit of the dae:big juicy red snow white apples
Arghhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!terrible flu durin the last 2 periods.soo sore throat too....i drank milo wif the sweet nata de coco to hlp me sooth my throat.Oh ya...i wore red spec. todae.i hope i dun look funnie to others...haha.okokay...sneezing all the way yucks...

30th july 08
Fruit of the dae-sour grapes.
the sour grapes is jux like my sour.actualli i was happi abt. goin out wif my fwens after skool,however,u rob me of my smile.u made me feel soo depressed...i noe my instincts abt. u two were correct.i hope my instincts were wrong.i hope u two r nt wad i tink...i held bck my feelings...trying veri hard...throwing everything behind my mind...trying very very hard...but i failed

25th,26th,27th,29th posts

Supposedly to be on 25th july...

hey guys,veri long nvr update le.jux to inform those dat reading my blog dat i am realli busi n dun hav the time to oways,i would write dwn the things dat i wan to say in my blog n update only wen i go online.sry for the incovenient caused:)

Supposedly to be on 25th july...

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