Saturday, August 2, 2008

27th,29th posts

27th july 08
fruit of the dae-kiwi
yucks!kiwi would be a fruit dat i would nvr eat in my life.soo seedy...Omg!!soo sour....hmm...sour...shudn't lfe be oways sweet?No actualli is full of ups n dwns...Hw cn a life oways be soo sweet?Wad matters most is,wen thr is pro. u hav to face,someone is oways thr 4 u:)
i am soo angry,at the same time,heartbroken of my liuqin(instrument),met wif a problem.1 of the stick drop out...blehs...realli angry of the lousy material...okok...gotta sent for repair...relac relac

29th july08
Fruit of the dae:big juicy red snow white apples
Arghhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!terrible flu durin the last 2 periods.soo sore throat too....i drank milo wif the sweet nata de coco to hlp me sooth my throat.Oh ya...i wore red spec. todae.i hope i dun look funnie to others...haha.okokay...sneezing all the way yucks...

30th july 08
Fruit of the dae-sour grapes.
the sour grapes is jux like my sour.actualli i was happi abt. goin out wif my fwens after skool,however,u rob me of my smile.u made me feel soo depressed...i noe my instincts abt. u two were correct.i hope my instincts were wrong.i hope u two r nt wad i tink...i held bck my feelings...trying veri hard...throwing everything behind my mind...trying very very hard...but i failed

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