Friday, July 3, 2009

lazy afternoon...

it has been a long time since i blog...haha.tonnes of work are really falling down.i find myself having difficulty in coping with schoolwork and tuition work.though my tuition doesn't really have homework, but my sis seems to be throwing me some papers with dunno which school.hmm...gotta work hard.yesterdae's oral,what should i say?I shall say that it was tough.Because, i literally stunned when the teacher threw me that question.after the oral, lots of complains frm us were heard.Some think that it was not as hard, while others think that it was tough.I should say that different people have different views.No other comments.Some of my dear friends cried after the oral.i want to say something to these friends:'No matter how bad the results is, face it bravely.Because i am sure u have tried ur best'.Go go guys!dun give up soo easily!jia you!|As for todae, realli get to go home early as our orals are over.When i took the bus home,saw one of my primary school friend frm bedok south.haha.hmm...When jielin went down the stop when she reached, a few guys were'bullying' two metta school boys.They were throwing paper at him, and even asked him where he live,as if wanting to find trouble with him.I felt soo..I realli have the urge to go confront them.i realli cnt stand these bullies...but i kept cool despite my anger.I shall not, gotta go now.

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