Thursday, April 30, 2009


Todae,after skool,as there is no remedial, I went to eastpoint for lunch again.hehes.todae, there is onli me n jielin who went for lunch.haha.quite a small grp…we went KFC to have lunch…while eating halfway, hwee ying and shanice came into view!so long never see them le!haah…den we tok tok abt their poly life,n they keer on reminding us tt ur o-lvl is coming soon…T.T kekesss….haha…den after my lunch, i went home alone, as jielin need to rush off for her tuition…wen i reached my bus-stop,i saw Lukas n zheng hao waving to me…look soo cute…hahaa…soo i waved bck too.waited quite a long time for the bus…sianz…dun feel quite right going home alone.haha..kaes…den when their bus came, they waved to me again…haha…instantly, my bus came too.haha.tmr is labour dae…i shall stay home n study..haha.but wuld be quite lonely..nvm…suan le…

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

no more dreams...

i'm throwing away my thoughts...for exams...i hope i cn do well...i will nt think anymore.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Farewell party!!!!!!!

todae,i wan to thank all teachers n juniors for organising the farewell party for us!i realli lurve all of you!Thnx for all de hard work tt we all put together/=...i will miss u guys man!my dear juniors...The times we spent together is not long,but the relationship tt grow in us is soo strong!i am sry for breaking out todae.i tried to control myself,but i jux couldn't take it.i am sry...i tensed up de atmosphere,and make my dear tianqi cry too!i hope tt the new committee will do their best in holding co well.we had games like captains ball,n some other games that make me lose my voice while cheering...n i had great fun wif all my co mem...i took alot of pics,but apparently i didn't get to take wif each n everyone in the co.especially my sec 4's.cux i wan to hold a memory for each n every sec4 mem.nvm.thr's still time.we will hav the chance de.let us look at the pics we took in music room todae:)

Ning lao shi n miee

Bracelet given by Rachel

My chairman,ben tan n miee

Miee,Sandra,sasha n jacinda

Me,silly grace Sandra,sasha,jacinda

Zichang,Clarence (buddah)n wei jie

Yingxuan,zhichang,weijie n miee!

Pebb,miee,n yingxuan

Bracelet frm zichang

me n my dearest tianqi!

flower frm pebb!


Saturday, April 11, 2009

post 4 yujun

1. Besides your lips, where is your favourite spot to get kissed?

~cn i skip this ques?
2. How do you feel when you woke up this morning?

3. Who was the last person who you took photo with?
my sis
4. Would you consider to be spoiled?
maybe.but not to de extend that others hate me

5. Would you ever donate blood?

yes.y nt?
6. Have you have a good friend of an opposite sex?

7. Do you want someone dead?
my gosh.of course not!

8. What does your last text msg say?
be on time for cca

9. What are you thinking of right now?
er...i shall skip this...

10. Do you wish someone was with you right now?
yes.of course

11. When did you go to sleep last night?

12. Where did you bought your T-shirt that you are wearing now?
bugis street

13. Is someone in your mind right now?

14. Who is the last person who texted you?
-dun tell u ^.^

15. People tagged to do this quiz?

sat's life

Oh gosh….jux gt a humongous dressing down frm my sis.she asked me to shw her my common test chem. Exam paper…den i knew that i am going to have a hard time.n,i am right!she scolded me, saying my foundation was nt there.she said that that paper was soo easy.hey.c’mon, she is an A1 chem to compare me with her?hiaz….its okay…she was oso doing it for my own good…ok……talk about co…todae,the attendance wasn’t veri good…cux a lot went for flag dae…my 4 fingers was like real pig trotters wen i went home…ouch!soo painful…my liu qin string is real sharp,thin…soo thin tt it makes my hand soo painful….gosh…ok…i shall bear with it…nxt wk gonna be a real busy n tiring week for me…soo many test…still have rehersals,den speech dae…hiaz….work hard!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

scary,yet irritating mid year exams....

todae, we have received our mid year exam schedule.sad to say,my birthdae falls in between the exams...soo choice.Strive pure chem pp will surely be ''die de lor''.hiaz...bu guan zhe me yang, i will still try my best :D.haha.todae,wen i was having lunch ,a topic abt me n jie lin never update ur blog was discussed...soo,todae's blog is for Clarence Lee to see tt i do blogok...hehe(but nt as often) shall end here...go do my tonnes n tonnes of homework!!!!!!!!

i do nt need to inform u of my whereabouts...i...

Thursday, April 2, 2009

terrible experience...

yesterdae nite,at around 7pm,i dunno wad thing strike me, suddenly down with flu....den i thought to myself...gosh...confirm sick liao...cux whenever i sore throat and flu, the next moment would be disastrous.hiaz...deen for the entire night, i have been rubbing and rubbing my nose, till it almost turn as red as the clowns nose.hiaz...slept at aorund 11pm++...den todae,is the sports dae...again, wen i woke up, felt realli terrible...but i forced myself to wake up cux i cnt leave my frens alone:)soo,i took a bus with my friends all the way to bedok stadium...wen i reach,the stadium is soo hot,heaty,that i really feel like fainting...these daes,alot of my classmates kept on falling ill...ok...den we went to sit at the first,there was nothing to lean back on,cux i was sitting at the 2nd last level.But, lukas,hongying went to buy drinks,so we get to lean against the saved my life...i got slightly better after that...btw, davior,clarence,nigel,jie ming ran participated in the 4 by 100m race.although they did not win,but i felt that they alreadi did veri well,cux there r alot of atheletics there...hahah...den after der entire thing,i went home to rest...hopefully i get better for tomorrow's event:)
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