Wednesday, December 31, 2008

skool reopening soon!

sian lei....soo fast skool reopen le..hiaz...o choice...hav to giv it the best shot this yr le..realli!!!!!!stress!tmr gng for the chai chee temple for performance.hahaz...gng sec 4 le...i mux work hard both for my studies n c.o....i hope that in a new year,everyone frm c.o cn o their best in matter hw lousy,believe in urself...practice makes perfect!!!!c.o!i hav 100% confidence dat u ppl cn do well! ccss c.o azazafaiti!!!!!!!!!jia you jia you jia you!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

santa claus realli comin lerhs!!!!

yesterdae,i went tm wif my sis...haha...doin last minute shopping .realli lookin fwd...these few daes,soo tired man.....spring cleaning ...zzzz.....hand pain...hahah....its a season to be joyus ...falalalala..lalalala

Sunday, December 21, 2008

eat glutinous rice balls!

haha...todae is tang yuan jie...(p.s dis is nt der actual name...)guess wad??i eat soo mani glutinous rice balls...sesame,peanut,red bean...hehe...a few more daes to christmas!yeay!huhu....lookin fwd...hahas...

우린 서로 첫눈에 반했어요자기.사랑합니다.

Friday, December 12, 2008


wa...todae...went for c.o...zs ask liuqin n pipa to play a part veri difficult lei...i press damn hard le den de sound cnt come out...zz...soo pai seh...den,wen he did a demo for us,he play damn hard till der string immediately break lorx...scare me...i was jux sitting in front of him,den the string snap!we'll were like 目瞪口呆 lor...ahaha...gng concert nxt wk again...haha...gonna goo practice more le...

santa claus is coming to town....

actualli lookin fwd to christmas dae.haha.these few daes,keep on meeting my primary skool frens.haha.suddenly like meet 10 of them?ha...went bugis yesterdae...bought somethings for myself.....haha....actualli dun realli hav alot of things to say...haha...

Monday, December 8, 2008

cold,rainy n windy dae...

todae wen i woke up,realli realli veri cold man!der entire dae is jux raining n raining...der entire dae,i was wearing my jacket...ahha...todae 7pm was showing the new show'campus shrewd'haha.veri funni...but i still tink my corner love is the best.cux got xiao sis keep on disturbing jux b.cux she had nothing to do during her

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

rabbit liuqin

Todae,veri funni…I brought my rabbit dat my sis gave me…I bought to c.o n patricia was like keep on squeezing it.hahah.den,around 4.50pm++,while I was doin my admin stuff,john steal my rabbit…hahah.jkjk…he took my rabbit n go around ‘oinking’.haha.he thought it was a pig…hhaha.den he put in on my dear liuqin.hahah.maybe it is a gd idea to go syf like this.haha

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

shooping at marina square

Haha.went shopping wif my sis todae…we went to marina square….went to shop for Christmas presents…hahah…look fwd to 25tn dec…I spent quite a lot of money…buehs…haha….ok.afterall its once a year ma…worth it.:D lalala…todae b4 gng out,my mum found out dat I hav der whole pile of worksheets in that ‘box’,n I was forced to go tidy the sec 3 worksheets dat I haven been filling in .i managed to get away with the filling cux gng out ma.hahah.i went home around 6.45pm++,quickly rush to be the 1st to bathe,so dat I would nt miss my last 4 episodes of corner love….bathe…den ….miss 10mins. Of the shw..ok…nvm…haha. luckily I got to watch todaes shw man!and my sis is like boiling hot on her top cux I keep on rushing her to get home by 7pm..hahah.(I noe she feel like slapping me)lols…hahah…watching xiao niang re soon…bye…tmr gt co…

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

at home....

dis morning,i went to buy books wif pat.hhaa...we kena scolded by the security guard for wearing home clothes...haha...lols....after we bought the books ,we went home.along my way home,i bought the straits times home.when i reached home,i read the newspapers and saw an article which make me realli pissed off with this pervertic guy.those who read the newspapers would know what i am taking about.realli not a human...can't stand this type of people.this pervertic actualli raped her daughters.idiot man!disgusting guy....

Monday, November 24, 2008

workin on how to improve myself...

haha.basically,these few days,i have been tihinking wad i shud do to improve myself in terms of my studies...i realli think that sec.4 is not a year for a person to relax.(am i right?)ok.i tink that maybe i hadn't put on enough effort on the subjects that i had done badly? nxt yr's target is to put my very best into everythings.i know dat wen i step out of the society,i will nd this o'lvl cert. to help me qualify in job applications....
okok...have to push myself more le!jyjy!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

co 1st bbq

Yesterday was the 1st c.o bbq that I have attended so far. It was fun and exciting!?!haha.Before we go to his condo, me, qiao yu,grace were doing jelly in qiao yu’s house.After doing the jelly,we went down to the cc’s coffee shop to touch up on the gifts.gerald joined as,and me,qiao yu and gerald went to order the zs favourite fishball noodle stall.haha.qiao yu was really veri scary man!eat soo much chilli! After we had filled our stomaches,we wnt to SKP to buy some plates, trash bags and dinning materials.Slowly,we make our way to ris grandeur condo. wait wait….some pics of the cups a few of us bought and decorate ourselves.

When we reach there, we were the fist to reach there. hhaa. rotting there. nothing to do…zzz…when it is about 4pm++,the cathering service came! haha.we lay out the food on the tables. Start eating le!!!!!!!! yeay! At around 7pm++,our ex. Chairperson, zhi ying helped us to organize some bonding games, The sectional leaders and the chairpersons were ask to hide in the 1st level of the condo, while the members were asked to go and find their respective leaders. Zhong Rong and me hide in a real real remote place. No one manage to find us. Haha.after all these,we went back to the multi purpose hall to play some tempo game(if I am not wrong).It took me really long to understand how to play the game.ok.i am slow I noe… around 10pm ++.den we went home.haha.i will never forget this day as there were too much fond memories ………

co 1st bbq

Monday, November 17, 2008

i dun wan to be alone...

this few daes,i hav been tinking wad he said...but i still feel dat i dun like der feeling of being sitting thr alone,n yet seeing others ,being able to sit wif their grps...soo isolated...soo lonely...scary...this had been boogling my mind 4 soo long le.hiaz....i hate it man!

Friday, November 14, 2008


These few daes at hm,i had oways been lookin fwd to everydae de 7pm show...转角遇到爱!
this shw realli exceptionalli nice and i was like intrigued toi it lor!!!!!!!hahah.realli...cux dis shw gt my favourite actors...罗志祥,大s,小鬼...nice rite?hahahhehe...i am nt doin advertisement for xiao zhu,but i jux feel dat he hav alot of talent like jj lin.xiao zhu noe hw to play piano(i tink),dance,and sings well!!!!sounds gd?yes!definetely!dat dae,grace n miee was discussin whether jerry yan cheng xun was better or 罗志祥 while watching der shw...篮球火hav both of them...but 罗志祥skills were better than jerry!!!!!!!yeay!!!!!!lurve his songs...爱转角,精舞门.kekes

Monday, November 10, 2008

life at home is BORED!!

hiaz...soo bored at home...these few daes,i was doin der chem hw given by ms till i siao le lor...soo much...imagine urself doin 16 chapts of mindmap...zzz....n 16 chapt. of chem wkbk...hiazz....still gt bio,physics,chinese,maths,aizzzz....

Friday, November 7, 2008

fridae c.o

wah!!!!!todae,i hav c.o practice wif grace,pei xian n gerald...haha...ok la...wen der uncle locked der dr ,we went to co store...wa...i play wif grace poh till lyke siao like dat lor...we hit der drum...we play wif the ballon pumper...haha...loads of things happen...hahha...wa...after dat i went around 6pm++...soo tired dat i fall asleep on my cosy n sofy bed..haha

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

wow....physics lessons...

woow....realli wow...physics heng taught us physics lesson 4 2 daes...i was alreadi....erhmm...phew....hope mr ng would be bck asap...realli ,mr heng make der lesson sooo unforgettable...hahha?ya....soo tired after his practical....zzz...

Monday, November 3, 2008

thnx ning lao shi!!!!!!!!!!

hahah...ning lao shi treated me n zhong rong to kitkat n drink!!!!!!!yea!!!!!she is soo generous...1 thing i wuld lyke to praise ning lao shi is dat she realli veri gd.we kept on askin her to go in n out of her office to do admin work,yet,no grumbles heard frm her...makes her realli a gd co tcher.ning lao shi 万岁!!!!!

tired daes...

firstly,i would lyke to say abt saturdaes event.we went on tourguiding ppl around...zzz....soo damn tired after i went home.soo tired dat wen i went home,i was actualli supposed to hav a conversation wif grace n gerald,den i fell asleep....zzz....nxt dae(sundae),i went to find zhang sheng wif grace,mei xian,elena,gerald n qiao yu....ya...meaningful conversation...lols....wen i go hm,soo unlucki lorx...went hm tatalli wet cux i nvr bring my umbrella... comes mondae!!!ok...basicalli,i jux hav my normal routine...den c.o started...i dun noe y,but i suddenly feel soo like.....hw shud i put bored...nt bcux of wad..but jux maybe i jux hav too mani hw,n gt realli stressed up.i hope the olvls cn be over sn...soo dat my dear tutors cn teach me the modulus...zzz....plss....tired le....

Friday, October 31, 2008

zs,pls come bck..

we had alreadi tried ur best in persuading le.seroiusly hope dat ur dreams come true...please...

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

"Kind Soul"

omg...u r such a kind soul...todae,i scalded myself durin my chem lab practical...den,xt told me dat dis "kind soul" told der klass my situation,in order to "prevent" them frm being scalded NICE...the opp....z....i believe that even wif knowledge,one may also hurt themselves...accidents r inevitable...zzz...soo painful...i


i broke my bao bei has accompanied me 4 soo broke!!!!!!!!hiaz...sadden alot!!!!hiaz....even if it is repaired,it's bruise is stiill thr.nvr be perfect...ok...i gonna replace one

Monday, October 27, 2008

omg!wad type of feeling is dis?

arh!!!!!!!!!!!!!wad am i doin?hiaz...stop tinking abt dear hormones...stop flying!u r makin me confused!okok.i mux nt be crazy...zzz....wake up!cheong shu ya!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

my interest is growing dae by dae

ya...jux suddenly,i started to love n love c.o everydae.jux look fwd to every practice.ya...hahahkaka...

Friday, October 24, 2008


hiaz...these few daes,although co was pretty fun,whr we learn to BREAThE was realli fun wen we hav combined practice.however,i was worried at the same time.sec 1 students dun seemed to care alot abt. c.o.this was a suddening news.soo dissapointed.was shud i do to keep co going?everydae,wen i go hm,i would recall wad we do,wad everyone say...even at nite also cnt slp well....hiaz...realli veri worried.okok.although i am dissapointed,i will nt give up de.jia you jia you.azazafaiti.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

22 october.

i finalli see my frens regain their smiles.happi 4 them.those few daes,they were worried like hell.congrats!!!!!ms ling treat us to mac flurry.haha
wen gng home,i took bus 38,den,i was standing right infront of this malay lower sec. boy,wen i smell smthing realli overwhelming.wad der hell,i cnt move both ways cux jie lin was standing to my right n another guy was stnding on my left.den he dun wan to move in!!!!!!!!!OMG!i suffer like hw...bueh!feel like vomitting man!!!!!!!1disgusting...(ok...i noe i am bad...)hiaz...ok la...i shudn't be soo bad!!!!!haha

science centre trip yesterdae

haha.jux to update,we went to science centre yesterdae.haha.i intially thought dat dis mux be a veri boring trip...but,i was reAalli wrong man!!!!!!!!it was fun!!!!we went to lots of different compounds of the centre.haz...realli,i am advertising to everyone,if got time realli mux go ...lets take a look at some pics.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Thursday, October 16, 2008

trip to temasek poly...

ok...ya...basically,we went to engineering skool again...hiaz...okay la...quite fun!we went to der rm to do der practical work...3e1 n 3e2 ,as all noes...i sux at all der 3D figures...haha .got der fat to help la....jkjk...benjamin,jielin,ru jia was hlping me this idiot...lorx...hahs.let's take at der fat robot done by us!!!!!!!!>.<

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

determination of life n death tmr!!!!!!!!!

wow...dats phew......okay....actualli nthing much to say la.jux getting BOROED!!!!ahaha...kkakak....sianz....blehs...

Sunday, October 12, 2008


i hope to be anti free in these few daes.i do nt wan to tink abt anything.jux wanna enjoy life.hahah.yeah.exams r over.i got der guides cookiesw todae!!!!!!!!i bought der limited cookies.i thought it was smthing special.but turn out to be quite same as der chocolate cream.haha.i got lots of things wan doo...hahah

Friday, September 12, 2008

'wow' dae for me :)

Todae…er…got a lot of thing happen. ya. basicalli, yew kiong n erico shouted at Lukas todae as he shoot out the ans n nvr giv others a chance to listen…1st,it was yew kiong who shouted ‘shut up la’.den mr barry lim ask yk to relax. i guess he was too stressed up.followed by erico…hahah .shouted the same thing. Hahah…I hope he will give others a chance to listen to the teacher nxt time.
The nxt thing is dat ,hwee ying , Erickson n peck yeng taught me n yx amaths.erickson, personally taught me log. Wow!it was super duper clear.realli…I was super clear man!!!!!!!thanks to all of them…especially Erickson n hwee ying …hu take in all my nonsenses.they say they cn spot all my ‘patterns’.eg,when they ask me ques,wen I replied’err…’ ,they will noe dat I dun noe.or I will look at they n laugh…hahah to end here.realli thanks to 3 of you!!!!!!!!!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Adam Khoo workshop rocks!!!!!!!!

wow!!!!!!!!i didn't regret goin to this was soo fun !!!!i was like a laughing gas thr man!!my face was like tomato lots of things...overall,i enjoyed the workshop n i look forward to tues.but nt wed.cux they will nt come le...n,through this workshop,got to noe candice n david but nt adam khoo himself.haha

Thursday, September 4, 2008

wedding dinner

on thursdae,it was realli d=fun having jasmine to sit beside during c.o.i was like a laughing gas lorx...=pher nice CELLO turn into 切肉(cux der conductor could nt speak gd english)i laugh till i stomache ache lor.qiao yu oso.haha...

secondly,i went to my cousin's wedding dinner at orcherd-park hotel.der hotel was nicely decorated...haha...sitting beside me is one 17 yr old n 7 yr old guys.the young one is soo noisy n der elder one is soo quiet~.~i prefer the quiet one.haha.i ate n sms at der same time.haha...multi task...
lets take a look at der hotel...

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


wow...realli scarying...i'm glad i warned u abt. this...lucky u nvr tell her anything...dun believe double image ppl!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, August 31, 2008


i hate bootlickers!!!!!!!!!u r realli irritating.tsk butt u oso wan to lick.soo dense la .hias...let;s see hw mani teachers butt u wan to lick.hias....unbearable.tsk ....u r too much...cnt stand u too.scold ppl out of nthing.realli too much...

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

somemore to add on...tues...

ya.durin p.e todae,we were dicussing dat we cnt afford to provoke dat nagasaki bomb.cux up above us is der hiroshima bomb.der bck up in better play nt provoke nahar was veri veri funni wen he is playing badminton lorx...hhaahaha...1000 laughs...

fruit of the dae:cherry

basically todae...nthing realli happen ...hhaah...i went 4 normal lessons,xt teach me amaths after skool...hlp in klass was soo much to be done.i am utterly dissapointed wif my results r jux a piece of shit.i cnt take it dat dae dat i jux spill out.i let out everything.i felt terrible with these results :(i will nt giv up...but i nd a few daes to hp myself stand up again...i noe i cn do it.mux be strong!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

fruiit of the dae:champagne grapes...

went to cc todae.ok la.afterall it is nt so bad.we played quite alot of past songs...haah...noe hw champagne grapes look like?i'll show u nao!!!haha...

Friday, August 22, 2008

SPECIALLY posted for gpsz


to meet GRACE POH on sundae WIF HER INSTRUMENT...muahahah

Thursday, August 21, 2008

hurray!!!!!!!!exams r finalli over

its was realli wonderful!!!!!!!!we r finally free of tst for the present moment.:)
wow!GRACE's instrument was indeed soo portable.soo light as compared to helped her took der instrument home.haha(i cn try out hw gd it is)muakakakas...someone irritated me todae...haha...soo wad if u r smart?is thr a nd for u to be soo proud?does it kill u jux to be more 谦虚?soo dense.mux learn to be more mindful of ur words.or else nxt time go out society confirm kana hit by others de.ur backup would nt oways be wif u de.c'mon !!!!!!!!!

hurray!!!!!!!!exams r finalli over

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

chem test

realli infuriating!!!!!!!!!!soo damn difficult.this tst is bound to wipe all of us out..hias...dun noe wat to say...tmr is a geog n amaths tst.i hope the teachers would be kind to us-set an easier to study nao...jia you~

Thursday, August 14, 2008

opening of beijing olympics

wow...realli veri veri long time nvr update le.jux wan to say dat durin der performance on 8 august,it was long but overall it is quite nice.i learnt a few things frm my seniors:1)to be a good leader,i have to be calm at all times
2)to have faith in my conductor
3)to do ur best in everything

Monday, August 4, 2008


wowwowowowowowow...its realli a gd chance for me to experience hw tired it is to be a vc...realli tiring...nd to find teacher,close door...realli soo much seh...nt easy...haha...find u more n more der new haircut...soo bueh...~.~
disgusting seh...stop disturbing la...idiot...shity u...
1st august...
fruit of the dae:pear...soo sweety...
WoW!!indeed tiring todae...7 of us went to hlp out in pinoor jc.ying xuan,gerald,minghao,jasmine,meixian,elena n me:)wow...its such a long time practicing but the results of their dun realli seems satisfactoring.haha.alot of the songs only 7 of us play n including the other two teachers-erhu teacher n wei jie(wind section teacher).hias...soo patheticokay la

Saturday, August 2, 2008

27th,29th posts

27th july 08
fruit of the dae-kiwi
yucks!kiwi would be a fruit dat i would nvr eat in my life.soo seedy...Omg!!soo sour....hmm...sour...shudn't lfe be oways sweet?No actualli is full of ups n dwns...Hw cn a life oways be soo sweet?Wad matters most is,wen thr is pro. u hav to face,someone is oways thr 4 u:)
i am soo angry,at the same time,heartbroken of my liuqin(instrument),met wif a problem.1 of the stick drop out...blehs...realli angry of the lousy material...okok...gotta sent for repair...relac relac

29th july08
Fruit of the dae:big juicy red snow white apples
Arghhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!terrible flu durin the last 2 periods.soo sore throat too....i drank milo wif the sweet nata de coco to hlp me sooth my throat.Oh ya...i wore red spec. todae.i hope i dun look funnie to others...haha.okokay...sneezing all the way yucks...

30th july 08
Fruit of the dae-sour grapes.
the sour grapes is jux like my sour.actualli i was happi abt. goin out wif my fwens after skool,however,u rob me of my smile.u made me feel soo depressed...i noe my instincts abt. u two were correct.i hope my instincts were wrong.i hope u two r nt wad i tink...i held bck my feelings...trying veri hard...throwing everything behind my mind...trying very very hard...but i failed

25th,26th,27th,29th posts

Supposedly to be on 25th july...

hey guys,veri long nvr update le.jux to inform those dat reading my blog dat i am realli busi n dun hav the time to oways,i would write dwn the things dat i wan to say in my blog n update only wen i go online.sry for the incovenient caused:)

Supposedly to be on 25th july...

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Surposely to be 26th july08(sat)

Fruit of the day...longans...haha...i tink dis time realli got no time to update,i will write dwn all dat i wan to say,n update all at one go wen i visait my blog.hahaha...todae?kinda busi.i went 4 parents teachers conference.Actualli nt realli la.cux my parents didn't went.ahaha.Mr Goh's tok was realli long enough for me to fall asleep...n followed by a tok by a women ,abt. sexuality edu.she sounds as if we teenagers r soo bad sia...>.<
studying veri hard for test on mondae,pure chem n also geog.
oh ya...still gotta check eyes for increase in degrees.hmmm...
Longans r simply jux soo sweet.jux like my life.=P
greatly enamoured in you...

Surposely to be 26th july08(sat)

Friday, July 25, 2008

fruit on sat???-longans?!?

tmr gonna be a very long day for me.early in der morning got to go for borin talk.realli cn sleep thr seh..haha.jux blog once more jux in case i don't hav time to blog tmr:)den followed by lunch wif my sis...den nd go nuy candles..ahaha..guess wad?dun noe wad it is used for rite?
wait for my post on 1st august till 5th august den der ans would be out.haha.
falling asleep.....

fruit of the day--durian

haha...jux tried out a new blog to see hw it works ...:)u look veri much like the hong kong actor--王喜.realli!!!!u look jux abt. the same as him...1st time i saw u i thought the hong kong actor was here...haha
jux to add on a little,i had durian todae...haha...der smell totalli engulfed my!?during mdm adibahs lesson,i learnt alot of chim words...haha...wads more.learn hw to put on prefume frm her...haha..i am gradually finding her lessons more n more interesting n i look fwd to it.:)
irritated by 'jump jump' nowadaes.kept on saying i change wen i have nt.i look at my fone for msg is oso nt ur buisness wad...
k la
dun wan to say le.dats all for todae...i am happi to see u online >.<

fruit of the day--durian

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